Turrón de Chocolate Suchard is a kind of Turrón that was released in 1960 for the first time by the Swiss Chocolate Brand "Suchard". Apart from chocolate and almonds, it's got rice crisps.

As I was planning to bake these cupcakes, I started to look for Chocolate Cupcake recipes, in order to adapt one... but then I remembered that last time the result tasted more like brownies than like cupcakes... so I decided to experiment and create my own recipe.
Ingredients for 8 cupcakes:
- 100 gr flour
- 100 gr butter (room temperature)
- 2 eggs
- 100 gr sugar
- 100 gr turrón de Chocolate Suchard
- 1/2 tsp baking powder
Heat the oven to 180ºC. Tip the butter, sugar, eggs, flour and baking powder into a large bowl and beat together. Add the Turrón, previously melted (I melted mine in the microwave). Mix carefully. The mixture will have lumps but it's normal... it's caused by the rice crisps ("arroz hinchado" in Spanish)!!!!

Divide the mixture between the paper cases and bake for 20 minutes until risen.

Whilst they cooled down, I prepared the frosting. I mixed 100 gr. butter with 100 gr. Turrón (also melted in the microwave), and looooots of icing sugar (I added more and more until it had the perfect texture... I'd say at least 150gr!!!). At this point, I realised I had two problems:
- It was way toooooooooooo sweet!
- The colour wasn't dark enough!!!
As I knew that the rice crisps wouldn't make it through the noozle of my piping bag, I decided to put the icing in a freezing bag and cut out one corner. It worked perfectly!!!
Then I added some sugar cupcake toppers and red edible glitter...

I used flat cupcake toppers for the other 4 cupcakes, as they wouldn't have fitted in a tupperware otherwise (and I've ran out of cardboard boxes).


Andrew took these last four cupcakes to work and apparently they liked them!!!! They said they tasted "professional"... oh yeah!! hahaha.
Well... I don't want to bore you... I hope you try these at home :)


Andrew took these last four cupcakes to work and apparently they liked them!!!! They said they tasted "professional"... oh yeah!! hahaha.
Well... I don't want to bore you... I hope you try these at home :)
These look delicious! And your little Christmas toppers are adorable!
ResponderEliminarNo he podido hacerme seguidora en la versión española.
ResponderEliminarAsí que aquí estoy
I love the little Christmas toppers!
ResponderEliminarOh mannnn! Please save some of that turrón de Chocolate Suchard for next week! I would LOVE to try your new chocolate recipe!!
ResponderEliminarwow really good.
ResponderEliminarI want turron please.
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