jueves, 20 de diciembre de 2018

Recetas con membrillo y huevo hilado, ¡segunda parte!


Os traigo más recetas del showcooking que realicé para Santa Teresa la semana pasada.

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Muffins de chocolate blanco rellenos de mascarpone y membrillo

·      300g de harina
·      1 cucharadita de bicarbonato sódico
·      1 cucharadita de levadura química Royal (polvo de hornear)
·      200g de azúcar blanco
·      125g de mantequilla 2 huevos
·      250ml de leche
·      1 cucharadita de extracto de vainilla
·      50g de chips de chocolate blanco

Para el relleno:

·      100g de membrillo Santa Teresa
·      100g de mascarpone

Para decorar:

·      Chocolate blanco fundido

Precalentamos el horno a 185º (calor arriba y abajo) y preparamos 12 cápsulas en una bandeja de cupcakes. Colocamos el azúcar en un bol. Encima, tamizamos la harina con el bicarbonato y la levadura.

En otro bol, fundimos la mantequilla. Le incorporamos los huevos, la vainilla y la leche y batimos muy bien.

Añadimos los líquidos al bol de la harina. Cuando la mezcla sea homogénea incorporamos los chips de chocolate. Mezclamos de nuevo. Repartimos la masa y llenamos las cápsulas hasta arriba. Tienen que estar bien bien llenas.

Horneamos 25 minutos o hasta que estén bien doraditos y al clavar un palillo salga limpio. Dejamos enfriar sobre una rejilla para evitar que se humedezcan las cápsulas.

Preparamos el relleno mezclando el mascarpone con el membrillo con unas varillas. Descorazonamos y rellenamos los muffins.

Los decoramos con chocolate blanco fundido.

Pudding de panetonne con membrillo

·      Medio panettone
·      Un poco de mantequilla
·      3 huevos
·      260ml nata 35% mg
·      280ml leche entera
·      3 cucharadas de azúcar
·      almendras laminadas
·      Medio paquete de membrillo Santa Teresa

Precalentamos el horno a 160º.

Engrasamos nuestro molde con la mantequilla. Colocamos el panettone en trozos en el molde. Cortamos el membrillo en pequeños cubos.

En un bol batimos bien el resto de ingredientes (menos el membrillo y las almendras).

Añadimos también la mitad del membrillo en cubitos y lo vertemos todo sobre el panettone con cuidado. Tenemos que bañar todos los trozos. Espolvoreamos unas almendras laminadas y el resto del membrillo en cubitos por encima.

Horneamos durante una media hora o hasta que esté bien doradito y la mezcla haya cuajado. Servimos templado acompañado por helado de vainilla.

Vasitos de cheesecake con membrillo

Ingredientes para el relleno:

·       625g de queso crema tipo Philadelphia
·       220g de azúcar blanco
·       250ml de nata

Para decorar:

·       Un paquete de membrillo Santa Teresa

En primer lugar, calentamos el membrillo en un cazo hasta que se ablande. Cubrimos la base de cada vasito con una buena capa.

A continuación, en un bol y utilizando una batidora de varillas, batiremos el queso crema con el azúcar hasta que estén bien integrados. Cuando la mezcla sea homogénea, añadimos la nata y batimos de nuevo.

Hay que batir durante al menos 2 minutos o hasta que la mezcla esté bien cremosa y firme. Ojo, que si nos pasamos se puede cortar la nata y la crema se echará a perder. Rellenamos los vasitos y decoramos con otra capa de membrillo.

 Espero que os hayan gustado las recetas :)

Os deseo una FELIZ NAVIDAD y os prometo muuuuuuuchas recetas próximamente!!!


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    When you have effectively finished with the stage one. at that point Select Install of your item, select Install once more. Of course, this introduces the 32-bit form of norton on your PC utilizing the language you chose when you recovered the item. In any case, If you need to introduce the 64-bit rendition, change your language.

    When you will tap on introduce web adventurer will demonstrate to you a popup with the choice "Run". What's more, in Google chrome and Mozilla Firefox you will get the choice to spare the record. When the document downloaded you have to open it physically and run the establishment.

    Additionally you will be educated when establishment done like, "You're good to go! norton is introduced now" and afterward the enlivened video will tell you the best way to discover norton applications on your PC. Adhere to the guidelines in the window, for instance Click Start > All Apps to see where your applications are, and select Close.

    NOTE: While introducing your norton might be you can see the message like, "Stop, you should hold on to introduce norton". That implies the establishment procedure has discovered similarity issue with something different introduced on your PC. All things considered don't hesitate to contact our help through live talk on the web and will love to address all you questions.

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    Antivirus security programming is worked and kept up by Intel Security PC administration and producer (some time ago known as McAfee, Inc., and Network Associates).

    McAfee Virus Scan serves to shields gadgets from home and home-office; McAfee Virus Scan Enterprise is presented for corporate, family unit and gaming situations. Mcafee Total Protection: The antivirus item way for most security programming suite maker resembles a lot of Russian adages settling matryoshka dolls. Mcafee Total assurance security item totally contains every propelled highlight of antivirus programming; the additional huge super suite has every important element of the total item, and convey forward. Antivirus programming McAfee Total Protection was a regular and progressed uber suite, with every special element, characteristics of the passage level programming suite and that's only the tip of the iceberg. To recover our mcafee livesafe item www.mcafee.com/initiate is the site to download and enact mcafee livesafe item.

    McAfee LiveSafe increased current standards another score by giving clients a chance to introduce McAfee Total Protection on any number of PCs in a family unit and furthermore introduce McAfee antivirus items on the majority of the family's Mac OS, Android, Windows and iOS gadgets. The refinement between items was clear and disclosed explicitly to the particular clients. Visit the site mcafee.comm/initiate on a hp and adhere to the best possible guidance to enact and download mcafee livesafe.
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  129. How To Resolve McAfee Error 12152 Windows 10:
    When you attempt to download and introduce your McAfee security item, the download would conceivably come up short with a mistake 7305 or 12152, or one in all the ensuing messages:

    The most effective method to Resolve McAfee Error 12152 Windows 10:

    Fix library Entries identified with Error 12152.

    To physically fix your Windows library, beginning you might want to frame a reinforcement by trading a portion of the vault related with Error 12152 (eg. McAfee Antivirus):

    Lead a Full Malware Scan of Your PC.

    There is an open door that your 12152 blunder may be related with a malware contamination on your PC. These noxious interlopers will hurt, degenerate, or maybe erase Runtime Errors-related records. In addition, there is a hazard that the 12152 mistake you're encountering is said to a component of the PC infection itself.

    Wipe Out Your System Junk (Temporary Files and Folders) With Disk Cleanup (cleanmgr)

    After some time, your pc collects garbage documents from typical net surfing and pc use. In the event that this garbage isn't once in a while gotten out, it will cause McAfee Antivirus to answer gradually or gives a 12152 mistake, most likely in light of record clashes or an over-burden plate drive. Cleanup up these impermanent records with Disk Cleanup won't exclusively fathom your 12152 blunder, in any case, may drastically accelerate the presentation of your PC.

    Update Your PC Device Drivers

    Drivers will work some time or another and all of a sudden shut down in a succeeding day, for a scope of reasons. the incredible news is that you essentially will regularly refresh the gadget driver to fix the Error 12152 issue.

    Use Windows System Restore to "Fix" Recent System Changes

    Windows System Restore grants you to "return in time" together with your PC to help fix your Error 12152 issues. Framework Restore will restore your PC's framework records and projects back to a period once everything was working fine. this may most likely help you to keep away from long stretches of investigating cerebral pains identified with 12152 blunders.

    Uninstall and introduce the McAfee Antivirus Program identified with Error 12152

    Run Windows System File Checker ("sfc/scannow")

    Framework File Checker could be a helpful instrument encased with Windows that empowers you to examine for and reestablish defilements in Windows framework documents (counting those related with Error 12152).

    Introduce All available Windows Updates

    Microsoft is ceaselessly changing and improving Windows framework records that would be identified with Error 12152. By and large settling your Runtime Errors issues could likewise be as basic as refreshing Windows with the latest Service Pack or elective fix that Microsoft discharges on a present premise.

    Play out a Clean Installation of Windows

    This progression is your last probability in making an endeavor to determine your Error 12152 issue. Reinstalling Windows can delete everything from your plate drive, allowing you to begin yet again with an ongoing framework. in addition, a clean introduce of Windows likewise will rapidly get out any and everybody "garbage" that has aggregated over the typical utilization of your pc. mcafee error 12152

  130. How to enter product key for mcafee download using total protection
    McAfee® antivirus is programming which is intended to identify and expel infections and other malware from the PC and different gadgets. It is the infection insurance programming which is utilized to verify your PCs, workstations and other electronic gadgets. McAfee® antivirus is a code that finds and expels a wide range of disease known as the infection. McAfee® antivirus filters your gadget on ordinary reason for all infections and malware. It's solid antivirus programming which prevents an infection from contaminating the client's framework.

    For the best assurance, the McAfee® antivirus ought to be constantly refreshed. Obsolete programming can make the issue your gadget. The new updates are intended to manage all new infection codes. Of the significant wellspring of getting infections is the web. On the off chance that you are utilizing web on regular routine without a decent antivirus, at that point it can make a gigantic issue to your gadget and can make harm your own subtleties. Today, the vast majority of the official work is finished by utilizing PC and web. In this way, a great working antivirus is the requirement for each PC to give great execution.

    There are numerous McAfee® antivirus suites present in the market; you can pick the best one as indicated by your framework's need.

    Administrations given by McAfee® Antivirus:

    Infection and malware security: McAfee® antivirus gives a main insurance from all infection and malware. It shields your gadget from infections, Trojans, spyware, rootkits, adware, and ransomware.

    Information shredder: If we don't erase our information for all time, a few programmers or criminal personalities can access your information. McAfee® antivirus gives an information shredder which erases the information forever that nobody gains admittance to your data. McAfee® antivirus utilizes a modern innovation which overwrites the record content with any irregular information. On the off chance that a programmer endeavors to get that document, he won't probably read the first information.

    Multi-Device Solution: The McAfee® antivirus Plus membership can secure the client's numerous PC frameworks and different gadgets with one record. This implies one membership can ensure your Desktop PC, workstation, tablets just as your cell phones.

    Cloud-Based Console: McAfee® antivirus is a cloud-based administration, which makes workable for a client to deal with every one of the administrations in the entirety of your gadgets from secure McAfee® Antivirus Plus web entryway known as "the board support". From this reassure, you can choose and see every one of the gadgets which are enrolled with the administration. It can likewise give you the component to change and modify how the administration takes a shot at your each gadget from one area. You can likewise include another gadget and furthermore erase the gadgets which are never again being used. You can likewise change settings on a solitary gadget like changing a recurrence of infection filter on your gadget. You can likewise refresh the McAfee® Antivirus Plus Account data and handle all record exercises with one comfort in the cloud.
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